Today I have a couple of freak outs to share with you. One is good, the other... not so much. It is actually an update on my order with Evil Shades Cosmetics.
I am so excited to tell you that I was chosen by 2 indie polish companies to review their polishes. I am so nervous about my pics and, well everything. I just hope that I do a good job for these companies. One is a new to me company, the other is one of my top 3 favorite indie companies. I have already received a package from one of them and will be posting very soon. I think you will fall in love with this company as I have. The other company will be sending a package within the next day or so. Be on the lookout for these upcoming posts. I will also be making a post featuring a polish from Ruby White Tips. I was so excited to open this polish up this afternoon and see the color in person. That post will be coming up real soon too.
I am not so excited to give you this update on my order with Evil Shades Cosmetics. Unfortunately I still have had no response to my message asking for a tracking# or refund if one could not be provided. Within 24 hours of my first post (which you can find here) the Evil Shades site was suspended. This is the explanation that was given via the Evil Shades fan page. "The website is shut down temporarily so I can get all of the orders remaining out and reorganize. I am no longer full time running ES, I am looking for outside work since the move so I need to reduce things to a more manageable size until I can come back to full time at ES." After speaking to a few people I have been told by all I spoke with that you can not suspend your own account with the platform Evil Shades uses. If an account is suspended it is due to either non payment by the company to keep their site going or due to complaints backed up with proof of bad business practices. Now I have to say that I am unsure which reason that the account has been suspended, but the fact remains it is indeed suspended. I have not received my order, no refund, no anything from Evil Shades. I spoke with Paypal concerning my purchase and according to the rep I spoke with, there is nothing they can do to correct the situation. I already knew I wouldn't get a refund because of the 45 day limit they have, but reporting the problems I am having was important I was told by the rep. I was also told to let people know that if they are still able to, they need to file for a refund with them. There is also this post that I think you should read about this situation.
Now how about a cute picture to brighten the mood? This is our Sophie girl checking out my orange mani a few months back. She is such a nosy girl, but we love her!
Peace, Love and Cupcakes!
I'm looking forward to the swatches/review of those indie polishes! I'm on swatching hiatus until I get my new camera. My old photos are really embarrassing. :/